Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rajma / Red kidney Bean Curry

I made one of my favorite north indian dish. This is actually my mom's receipe. when i was a kid i watched a movie Super Snooper (Terence Hill) a lot, here the hero loves the red bean curry.I wanted to be like him so i got hooked to this dish.


boiled Rajma / red beans
chopped onions
crushed tomatoes
fresh corriender
fresh green chillies
ginder and garlic paste
red chillie powder
correinder powder
garam masala

Heat oil in wok, after few minutes when oil is hot add the chopped onions, and two teaspoon of ginger garlic paste, stir it till light brown, then add two small laddle full of crushed tomatoes then add the spices - correinder powder, garam masala, turmaric, salt, red chillie powder and mix well. when its little cooked add the red kidney beans add 1-2 glass of water mix well and let it cook well until the gravy is little thick and the spices goes inside rajma. add the correinder leaves as decoration on top

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